Dave Coveney – If Potatoes Were Discovered in 2005?

[youtube]egFV-mVhmvw[/youtube] Dave Coveney tells a packed house at Leaf Cafe about the humble spud – If potatoes were discovered recently, they’d be an interesting novelty. How would the world react? Would social media and the web have an effect on their...

Sunil Emjay – Obsessive Compulsive Disorder

[youtube]e-_VwJ13iw8[/youtube] Sunil likes Whisky, Noir and sarcasm. Not in any particular order. However, he’ll talk about Obsessions, Compulsions, and Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, yes, Obsessions, Compulsions, and Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, yes, Obsessions,...

John Crump – ‘Why beer costs so much in pubs’

The talk is an attempt to explain the legislative and commercial interests that have increasingly distorted the price ratio between beer purchased in shops against beer bought in pubs. Can you tell a good story? Ignite only happens because of people who are willing to...

Tom Williamson – ATP: Nature’s unsung hero

[youtube]qumoO9yrPEI[/youtube] Sugar, starch, fat: everyone knows that we get energy from these substances, but not so many people realise how. In this talk, I will give a short introduction to ATP. Known as the ‘universal energy carrier’, this small molecule plays a...

Liam Craddock – ‘Bellringing’

[youtube]hvBN55SigRI[/youtube] English style change ringing has been a traditional part of life in this country for over 500 years. Unique to the UK and it’s old colonies, change ringing is not, as you may think a physically demanding activity, but a mental challenge....