I had to ask and although it got the number of slides wrong, it gave a perfect reply.  One day all Ignite talks will be made in this way.


Sure, here is an example of an Ignite Talk about Ignite Talks:

Title: The Power of the Ignite Talk Format

Slide 1: Welcome to our Ignite Talk about Ignite Talks!

Slide 2: So, what are Ignite Talks?

  • They’re a fast-paced presentation format where the speaker has 5 minutes to present 20 slides that automatically advance every 15 seconds.

Slide 3: The format is designed to be engaging and thought-provoking, and it encourages speakers to focus on the most important aspects of their topic.

Slide 4: Ignite Talks are perfect for sharing new ideas and innovations, especially in technology and startup communities.

Slide 5: So, what makes Ignite Talks so powerful?

  • The time constraint forces speakers to be concise and to the point.
  • The fast pace of the slides keeps the audience engaged.
  • The format encourages creativity and innovation

Slide 6: How to give an effective Ignite Talk?

  • Start with a strong opening
  • Use images and minimal text
  • Tell a story
  • Practice and Rehearse
  • End with a strong call-to-action

Slide 7: Ignite Talks are not only for tech and startups, they can be used in various fields like education, marketing, art, and more.

Slide 8: The Ignite Talk format is a great way to share your ideas, passions and knowledge with an audience.

Slide 9: So, if you have an idea or a story that you want to share, consider giving an Ignite Talk.

Slide 10: Thank you for listening!

It’s worth noting that the content in the slides is not complete and could be expanded, but it can give you a good idea on how to structure an ignite talk.

I am asking it to write all my Christmas cards in future.