Making maintenance fun – Jackie Pease
John Mckerrell – A whistlestop tour of Open Source
[youtube]GlWTfTPGwCY[/youtube] John McKerrell - A whistlestop tour of the Open Source world covering software and projects that everyone should know about and may already be using without knowing it!
Christina McDermott – Food Blogging
Siobhan Farmer – Duncan’s Legacy
Joe McNulty – the theory of everything
[rokbox title="Video :: Joe Mcnulty - the theory of everything" thumb="" size="425 349" album="demo"][/rokbox]
Colin Davies – 50 years of design of the kitchen
[rokbox title="Video :: Colin Davies - 50 Years of design of the kitchen" thumb="" size="425 349" album="demo"][/rokbox] The role of...
Leo Appleton – There ain’t nothing like a dame
Leo Appleton: There ain't nothing like a dame; or, He's behind you: the role of the dame in British pantomime A whistle stop tour introducing you to some of the key concepts and gimmicks of contemporary British pantomime. Through identifying...