The cow STI costing America over $200 million – Eleanor Senior
The parasite Tritrichomonas foetus isn’t as famous as other disease causing and carrying organisms such as ticks or tapeworms but this doesn’t mean it’s less damaging. It also happens to be what I’m studying for my PhD. I am going to talk about what it actually is, what it does and why it could be affecting your pet cat as well as the worlds cows. @eleanorsnr
John Mckerrell – A whistlestop tour of Open Source
[youtube]GlWTfTPGwCY[/youtube] John McKerrell - A whistlestop tour of the Open Source world covering software and projects that everyone should know about and may already be using without knowing it!
Christina McDermott – Food Blogging
Siobhan Farmer – Duncan’s Legacy
Joe McNulty – the theory of everything
[rokbox title="Video :: Joe Mcnulty - the theory of everything" thumb="" size="425 349" album="demo"][/rokbox]
Colin Davies – 50 years of design of the kitchen
[rokbox title="Video :: Colin Davies - 50 Years of design of the kitchen" thumb="" size="425 349" album="demo"][/rokbox] The role of...
Leo Appleton – There ain’t nothing like a dame
Leo Appleton: There ain't nothing like a dame; or, He's behind you: the role of the dame in British pantomime A whistle stop tour introducing you to some of the key concepts and gimmicks of contemporary British pantomime. Through identifying...