The cow STI costing America over $200 million – Eleanor Senior

by | May 16, 2019 | Videos | 0 comments

The cow STI costing America over $200 million – Eleanor Senior

The parasite Tritrichomonas foetus isn’t as famous as other disease causing and carrying organisms such as ticks or tapeworms but this doesn’t mean it’s less damaging. It also happens to be what I’m studying for my PhD. I am going to talk about what it actually is, what it does and why it could be affecting your pet cat as well as the worlds cows. @eleanorsnr

Can you tell a good story?

Ignite only happens because of people who are willing to get up and share their passions, be it for a project, an idea or just something they have to tell the world.

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Can you tell a good story?

Ignite only happens because of people who are willing to get up and share their passions, be it for a project, an idea or just something they have to tell the world.