Volume #50 – Sparkiversary? Talkiversary? Slideversary? Inspiriversary? Igniteiversary?
It is our great pleasure to be able to bring together such a rich diversity of talented speakers for an evening of cerebral stimulation.
Our speakers are all checking their slides, rehearsing their timings and ensuring their vocal cords are in tip top condition for the next encounter of Ignite Liverpool.
Celebrating people from all walks of life as they talk about their passions, their projects and in some cases, their strange habits…….
Your speakers in no particular order……
Speaker: Cath Holland Talk Title: George Michael and Wham! – the politics behind the white jeans.
Speaker: Tris Brown Talk Title: Never Mind the Bollards
Speaker: Francesca Manca Talk Title: Shaping Your Business Around Peoples Needs
Speaker: Norman Piotrowski Talk Title: How to do the most good we can?
Speaker: Nicola Higham Talk Title: Kindred- investing in stories of your future
Speaker: Paul Marrow Talk Title: Number 50
Speaker: Ed Gommon Talk Title: So you’ve declared a climate emergency and written a net-zero plan.
How’s the carbon reduction going? (Don’t be afraid to ask for help)
Speaker: David Armstrong Talk Title: 7 Rules to a good Life
Speaker: Tom Williamson Talk Title: Not having a stroke
Speaker: Emma Bamber Talk Title: An International Welcome from Cafe Laziz.
Speaker: Nicola Chan Talk Title: Sarah Everard
Speaker: Emma Case Talk Title:Celebrating our wins! The RED Archive journey so far… and what’s next?!?!
The RED Archive is a community archive, collecting LFC fans’ personal photos and stories. I spoke at Ignite at the very beginning of The RED Archive’s journey. I was bursting with ideas and had big ambitions for where the project could go. Fast forward four years and to see what we’ve achieved (some planned, some not!) feels important to reflect on and celebrate. We’re at a stage now where the next step is a big one and what better way to mark this than coming full circle and sharing our updated story with Ignite.
Speaker: Eric Masaba Talk Title: Fairey Rotodyne – What is it and is it making a comeback
How we get it built, recentre Liverpool as a major transport hub and bring 30,000 jobs back to the region. All from a 1950s craft!
Speaker: Cristina-Steliana Mihailovici Talk Title: A powerful equation STEM+poetry+story = community power
We still have spaces for more speakers so if you are interested then sign up.

Yeah we just don’t know what to call it – so we may just call it our 50th Anniversary for short hand. What you are 50 years old I hear you say. Well, no. It will be our 50th* event in 2024 – we have only been doing them Quarterly since 2010 and we have thrown a few extra ones in there also.
*To be honest we’re not exactly sure what the number is – it probably is 50 from all the counting we did over the last few years but the 50 doesn’t include the extras we have done at Makefest across Liverpool City Region or Merseyside as it was when we started.
As it is going to be our 50th, our half century, we will be calling up some of the speakers we have had throughout the years to contribute once more, plus looking for some light and sparky newbies.
So it will be the regular Ignite but with more – more what we’re not sure of but there will be extra inspiration, extra sparkiness, extra talkiness but no extra slides….that would just be wrong. If you can’t say it in 20 then it ain’t worth saying.
Hope to see you on the 6th March.
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Kindred brings people in our community together to make positive change. We invest in socially-trading organisations (STOs) to create a kinder, fairer economy in Liverpool City Region, through money, support and collaboration.
Doors Open at 6pm and talks start at 7pm and we normally wrap up by 10pm as it’s a work night.
The Venue
Upstairs at Leaf Cafe on Bold Street near the middle of the top half of Bold Street. They have food and drink available so you don’t have to dash home for your Dinner. Check the menu for the evening.
Their is a lift for accessibility which will bring people to the first floor. There is no hearing loop in place.
Getting there
It is best served by the 86, 80 and 82 at the top of Bold Street.
Central station is only 5 minutes away at the bottom of Bold Street.
Other parking is available on Duke Street and Mount Pleasant which both have car parks and again are only 5 minutes away on foot.
There are some very handy places to lock your bike on Bold Street, at the very top and in the Square that leads to FACT cinema.

Pitch and Put-it-out-there at the Break
Don’t forget if you have a project that you want to talk about then at the end of the break we have our Pitches section –which gives audience members the opportunity 1 minute to jump up on stage and tell the rest of the world (especially those watching at home) about a great project, event or maybe even just about something they are proud of. We make an announcement about this during the break so listen out.
See you there and may the force be with you.