Waking up in a different world – Annabelle Nunnery

by | Sep 12, 2019 | Videos | 0 comments

Waking up in a different world – Annabelle Nunnery

Can you tell a good story?

Ignite only happens because of people who are willing to get up and share their passions, be it for a project, an idea or just something they have to tell the world.

Jules Howard – Why Do We All Have To Die

Jules Howard – Why Do We All Have To Die

I have spent the last two years considering and researching the science of death for a book project (Death on Earth, published by Bloomsbury, out in May 2016). During this time I investigated death’s impact on evolution and how some...

Jamie Roberts – (Nearly) Everything is a Skill

Jamie Roberts – (Nearly) Everything is a Skill

I’ll try to get as many unexpected examples as possible to demonstrate that even though some people have an advantage in certain areas nearly everything is learnable, the concept of innate talents is mostly a social construct and imaginary...

Chris Brown – Dinosaurs Are Bullshit

Chris Brown – Dinosaurs Are Bullshit

There’s a part of me that can’t accept the concept of dinosaurs. I know and understand this makes me sound like a crazy person. Please give me five minutes to explain…. Follow @orange_monkey on Twitter   Ignite only happens...

Can you tell a good story?

Ignite only happens because of people who are willing to get up and share their passions, be it for a project, an idea or just something they have to tell the world.