Lucy Nield – Body Modification

by | Aug 2, 2019 | Videos | 0 comments

Lucy Nield – Body Modification

As part of our Future Sessions at Liverpool Makefest on 29th June 2019, we asked people to respond to a number of themes. Here Lucy presents on Longevity discussing Body Modification. 

Can you tell a good story?

Ignite only happens because of people who are willing to get up and share their passions, be it for a project, an idea or just something they have to tell the world.

Watch The appearance of guilt – Kathryn Ford

Kathryn Ford The appearance of guilt: Effects of facial masculinity and agreeableness on the probability of being judged to have committed a crime. Enlightening talks in 5 minutes Recorded at Leaf Cafe, Bold Street, Liverpool We are always looking for new speakers so...

Storm Surges

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[youtube][/youtube] Zarino Zappia presented on The Awesome Foundation in 5 minutes at Ignite Liverpool on 27 February at Leaf Cafe, Liverpool.  

Can you tell a good story?

Ignite only happens because of people who are willing to get up and share their passions, be it for a project, an idea or just something they have to tell the world.