Michael Hauskeller – Postmortality for All
How would the world we live in change if we no longer had to die? Some biogerontologists believe this will soon be the case since it won’t be long before we finally figure out how to halt and possibly even reverse the ageing process.
Paul Marrow – Love in a Warm Climate
Oliver Kennedy – Debunking the myths of Modern Slavery
Rachel Burnham – How Sketchnoting can help you learn and work
Kate James – 25 weird and wonderful reasons why i love Liverpool….in 5 minutes.
Planting seeds – And how it helps getting from Idea to Reality – Peter Schriewersmann
Planting seeds – And how it helps getting from Idea to Reality - Peter Schriewersmann Ignite only happens because of people who are willing to get up and share their passions, be it for a project, an idea or just something they have to tell the...
The 3 P’s – Palm Oil, Peanut Butter and Peat