When the onion and the tea bag met the spanner…. Maggie Pearson
When the onion and the tea bag met the spanner…. Plants contains pigments which print beautifully on natural fibres and paper when coaxed with heat, water and vinegar and/or combinations of onion skins or tea bags and iron objects such as the odd spanner or two. Maggie Pearson will canter through her ecoprinting journey of discovery of how tannins in the humble onion skin or tea bag, when interacting with iron, can produce stunning botanicals prints. And all with leaves from the City of Liverpool…
Mandy Phillips – Doing death differently
Hydrodipping – John Lythgoe
Ignite Liverpool Live Stream
Craig Kaye – “But we’ve always done it this way”
Neil Simpson – Attention – the magic ingredient.
Mark Feltham – The Language of Love